Municipal Building Heated With Coal
The Town of Fort Fairfield is heating the Municipal Building with an AHS Coal Gun
furnace. Here is the building where the furnace is housed and where the coal
is delivered and stored.
Read MoreFall Coal Orders 2012
We are currently taking orders for the 2012-2013 heasting season and would like
to hear from you! Please call to place your order today! 1-800-249-4483
or 207-488-2211. We carry top quality Blaschak Coal in 40 lb plastic bags
or bulk for your convenience.
“BE WISE… BE WARM” Burn Top Grade Anthracite Coal!
Read MoreBulk Coal Delivery
Bulk Coal delivery to a local church. They installed two Axeman Anderson coal
boilers that burn pea coal. The furnace room and coal storage is in an attached
building that has a separate entrance. They have the flexibility of using one or
both furnaces depending on their heating needs during the season. The coal is
water and oil treated prior to delivery.
Read MoreBulk Coal Delivery – Commercial
Center Farms coal truck delivering to a commercial site. Our truck is equipped
with a bulk body that unloads easily once attached to a conveyor or a chute.
The body holds approximately 12 ton and is able to deliver multiple customers
using compartments for separation.
Read MoreBulk Coal Delivery through Basement Window
The small conveyor that is attached to the back of our Coal Truck is
being used to deliver through a basement window. The coal drops into
a bin/storage area near the furnace. This is a very convenient way to have your
coal delivered with much less handling than in bags.
Read More